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Tag: resume

4 Things Job Seekers Need To Know Know

The headlines are inescapable–“help wanted” signs are everywhere and businesses are looking for workers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are currently 10.4 million job openings in the U.S–and only 8 million job seekers. What does this mean for your average job seeker? Location Matters While there are plenty of headlines about […]

What a Professional Resume Writer Actually Does

You have probably seen a ton of ads on sites like Indeed and LinkedIn recommending that you spice up your resume by hiring professional resume writers. Heck, you probably saw us recommend it to you in our articles and videos. The benefits that come with hiring a professional cannot be understated. However, this article isn’t […]

5 Skills That Can Help You Get Hired in Media

SKills Resume Resume Building

What Are Some Skills and Programs That Stand Out on a Resume Whenever I get a resume in from a new hire, I always dread looking at the software and skills that they know. More often than naught, the only skill I will see is Microsoft Office. For a job that requires the person be […]

How to Negotiate Salary

Salary negotiations job search job hunt resume

Negotiating Salary When you get a new job, one of the most awkward, yet one of the most important conversations you have is the one about salary. The job is right there for the taking, but if the salary offer is a far cry from what you need, then the job might not be meant […]

Why Isn’t My Resume Working?

Resume Not Working Job Search

My resume isn’t working either: You are not alone We’ve all been there. We recently got laid off our job, and now we are back on the hunt. After what feels like an eternity looking for jobs, we just can’t seem to land anything. This often makes us beg the questions, “Why isn’t my resume […]