Your Reputation 911 – Peruse it or Lose it

“A good reputation is more valuable than money” Publilus Syrus

In a survey of 2,500 individuals funded by Microsoft, 86% of HR Managers stated that they made hiring decisions based on positive information found on the Internet. In the age of social networking, it is more important now than ever to monitor and manage information which can be found about you. Public records, postings, publicity and even obscure references like meeting attendance and organizational activities can be found by people who are interested in you.

Your reputation is made up of who you are, what you have done and what people think of you. Conversely, by taking an active role in your reputation, you can channel and sculpt your reputation to confirm what you want people to see. There are four reasons why you should take an active role in your personal reputation management.

You Have No Reputation

As odd as it seems, many people just can’t be found. In a CBS “60 Minutes” segment entitled, “Trapped in Unemployment” it was said of hiring managers “when they are considering you for a job they are going to the Internet to see what comes up. If you have nothing show up, you are not relevant” In the age of information, not to be found is not to exist.

The manner in which you exist is also relevant. A social media tool called Klout measures social media visibility on a scale of 1-100. In an “Wired” article, Sam Fiorella a consultant for Fortune 500 companies interviewed for a position as Vice President for a Toronto marketing agency. When asked his Klout score which he didn’t know, the interviewer pulled it up on the computer and found he was ranked 34. Later he found out that his Klout score was the deciding factor in not getting the job. Sam Fiorella subsequently boosted his score to 72 and became the co-author of “Influence Marketing: How To Create, Manage, and Measure Brand Influencers in Social Media.”

You Need to Claim Credit Where Credit is Due

Our work life consists of meetings, projects, transitions and accomplishments. As a team member, if credit is given, it is often given to the team leader and more often company leaders. That does not diminish your accomplishment, it simply doesn’t give you credit for it. Often credit can be assumed in your resume or LinkedIn profile. Using social media tools not only gives you a voice, but also documents your participation in business activities and justifies your value to future employers.

Mitigate Negative Visibility

Unfortunately, some of the highest visibilities we find on the Internet are for negative events. It is common for traffic infractions, court appearances and other activities to reported to the public. For instance an executive had a dispute with his neighbor about an overhanging limb which ended up in the local newspaper. When his name is searched, that is the first thing one sees. A computer programmer was driving home late one night after sitting at a computer for 12 hours. He stopped at a gas station for a bottle of water. The clerk upon seeing his red eyes called the police who pull him over on suspicion of drunk driving. Although the charges were dismissed, the Internet still shows his name associated with a DUI. A specialist in reputation management can help with these types of situations.

Clarify Mistaken Identity

Unfortunately, we all can’t be named Harry Potter. People who have the same names or names similar to others that have negative Internet visibility have to defend their reputations. The clearer your identity is, the less likely it will be mistaken for another person’s.

When Should You Begin?

Now! The first step to managing your reputation is identifying what it is currently. Run an Internet search for your name, your company, projects you have worked on and accomplishments. If you are not happy with the results, it is time to get working. A Better Resume Service has teamed up with a new cost, effective Reputation Management solution company. Harness your reputation with a system covered by two US patents. Call us at 1-800-730-1888 or visit one of our offices for a free consultation.

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